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    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke Swiss Electric Locomotive Re 465 Flash Fire of the BLS  

    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke K137121

    Price: $189.90

    Scale Country Era Railway
    N Switzerland IV BLS
    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke K137121 - Swiss Electric Locomotive Re 465 Flash Fire of the BLS

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era IV 

    Model Features:

    • 5-pin motor
    • Power consumption across all axes
    • 6-pin interface NEM651
    • White change-over light
    • consideration of all design differences in detail

    The Re 460 of SBB is still the backbone of Swiss passenger traffic. The locomotives are used with IC2000 and / or turning trains with EW IV trolleys. No other Swiss locomotive went with so many different advertisements and varnishes like the Re 460. In the last years all SBB Re received 460 new pantographs. This change is also realized on the model. At the BLS, the locomotives continue to be used in passenger and freight transport.

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